Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dare To Ask Why

Are you afraid of asking why? 

One of the hardest questionsthat most people can ask themselves is why? As a parent, I give my kids instructions and inevidably they ask me why. I find myself getting a little annoyed and the sound of my mothers voice plays in my head saying "Because I said so". But, I have to remember the power that question has. No honestly sometimes my kids are just trying to express dislike about my instructions but more times than not they are seeking an explaination. If I explain it to them, they will process it and hopefull put it into practice in their lives. If I cannot explain why, is it a valid instruction or something else. 

In our lives, we should ask ourselves the question why. I heard a story of a woman who constantly cut the end off of a ham when she cooked it in the oven. One day while her mother came over she prepared the ham and cut the end off. The woman was taken back by the mother asking why she cut the end off the ham. The woman replied that her mother had always cut the end off the ham. The mom laughed and told the daughter I cut the end off the ham because the pan was too small to hold the whole thing. 

Are we doing things just because thats the way we always have done them or is there a real logical purpose for what we are doing. It is not until we ask ourselves the question why that we can truly evaulate the merit of a particular habit or action. 

Churches are not exempt in this either. Many pastors and leaders will just fall into the pattern of how things have always been done. The danger in this mindset is it leads to stagnation and spiritual death. As a pastor, you are called to be a good steward not just of the finances of the church but also the energy and actions of the church. Evaluation starts with the question why do we do this. What is the benefit? What purpose does it serve? It is in honest reflection that we can geeet intune with the fresh vision and revelation of God that will bring life into the church. Dare to ask why.

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