Past experiences have defused the miracles and healing. I began to think about this thought. All I can say is it is true. Remember the fire and the zeal that you once had when you first were saved and you felt invincible. You knew God was there and you knew that God could do anything. What happened? Where is the continued zeal and fire in your life presently? Where did it go? Honestly, life happened. The number one deception of the enemy when it comes to crushing zeal is not the world in most cases it is Christians who are trying to "help" you.
Why can't God work miracles daily in peoples lives? Just because he didn't work miracles in that well intentioned Christian's life who is just trying to be "realistic" doesn't mean that he does not want to move. The fact is unless we expect miracles and healing to be happening and have faith for it then they will be rare at best. Expect miracles. Expect healing. I am not saying that doctors don't have their place and calling. They do and I am thankful for them. The point I am trying to get to is We should be experiencing more miracles and healing in our churches and homes. The shadow of past experiences hinders miracles and healing. They plague our faith with thoughts of failure or inadequacy.
I pray that you remember this saying. If you remember it, I promise it will change your prayer time. It will embolden you to expect the miraculous and desire to see the supernatural daily. Ready for it? Here it is. GOD'S WORD TRUMPS OUR PAST EXPERIENCES. It does not matter what you have done or what has been said to you or about you. God's word and it's promises are what counts. John 14:12-14 says ask and I will do it. Matthew 4:23 says Jesus went throughout healing every sickness and disease and driving out evil spirits. John also says we will do even greater things than Jesus did.
It is time we as Christians have the joy that goes with serving the God of the universe. Malachi 4:2 says that those who revere the Lord will experience God he will rise up with healing in his wings and we will leap for joy like a calf released from a stall. God wants us to have joy and completeness in him. If you get this I know God will become bigger than your imagination.
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