Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bigger and Better

There is a danger that many people fall prey to on a daily basis and they don't even realize it. It stifles the creativity of creative individuals and snuffs out the confidence of the once confident individuals. It is the giving in of our will to past failure or ridicule. Many of us have at one time or another tried and failed at something or tried something and had someone else ridicule our idea or effort. In our minds, we think there is no way I am going to do this again, and in our heart, we build walls of protection to guard from the sting of failure or ridicule. Then, when the opportunity arises to shine, we falter in our effort out of fear. If we don't try it is certain that we will never succeed, but I think John Maxwell put it pretty clear when he stated that success is measured by the number of past failures you stand on.

If you take off the cap of past fear and understand the power of positive effort, you can find yourself in more success than you know what to do with. Satan would love to rob us of our ability to dream and dream big. We can experience life bigger than our imagination if we just hold tight to the success of the King of Kings and remember that the same King of the universe of heaven and earth is the same King that says we are full heirs of the kingdom of God. We are promised favor, but to receive favor we have to move past the fear that keeps us from doing anything. We must try to do something before we can actually do something.

Live life BIG!

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