Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Like It Is Our Last

Now that the planes of the US and France are on bombing runs in Syria, I have started seeing and hearing individuals talk about the prophecies of Isaiah as it relates to Damascus. You can read scripture and see remarkable parallels and sign of the end of the age. It is remarkable how accurate the term and even timelines are. There is however one thing that I must say.


Christ has never called us to be on the defensive. Why, because his truth can hold it's own. We are called to be on the attack ever pressing forward not biding our time until we see some great cataclysmic sign and know that the end is near. We have got to live and minister each day like it is our last. There are people dying and going to hell every minute and every second that we spend trying to figure out who is right about the blood moon or what eschatological timeline is correct, we are wasting precious minutes that we could be using to tell someone about the love a Christ and introducing them to the savior.

To me it seems like we are firemen who instead of running in a building and rescuing people are simply standing outside the inferno shouting "hey that building is on fire" "you need to get out" In the end, the fire still burns and the people still are trapped and eventually perish. Is there value in eschatology? Yes there is. It needs to be the warning sign that we as Christians need to get off our laurels of self righteousness and get to work about the King's business. The time is short. The end is approaching. The signs are all there. Shortly, the rapture will occur and when I stand in front of God, I am sure he will NOT ask me "Hey Dave, how close did you get to the date I was coming back/" I am sure he will ask me "what did you do with the time I gave you?" and also "who did you share my gospel with?" and "what did you do with my son Jesus?" Then, as I stand there in front of him awaiting his reply, I will know exactly where I stand with him. All of my best efforts here on this planet fall drastically short of worthiness to enter heaven. It is simply the grace of Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection that seals me.

It's not that I don't think prophecy is unimportant because it is important. I really just feel that we have gotten so caught up in trying to figure it out that the enemy has used it to make us lose focus of what will reduce perishing souls from hell. Prophecy can direct people to Christ and it does so importance is there definitely. Just simply live each day like it is our last. You will love ministry more,. Just go for it. Many times the reason we don't really feel like we have won is because we have strived for second place not to win the race. The time for pacing yourself is over. It is time to flat our run for the mark that Jesus Christ has set for us. All we have to do to win is finish.

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