Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A New Season

There is a song that I love that begins "it's a new season. It's a new day." I find myself singing and thinking about that song more and more each day. Many of you who read my blog or know me personally know of our journey these past few months. My friends I can tell you it is truly a new season.

Seasons come and go in our lives. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter come and go and we seem to have no control over them. As I look at the past three months I can truly say we were in a winter point in our lives. We could not see outwardly what God was doing, but we just knew we had to hold on a bit longer. Many time the winter season is harsh and cold and brutal and does not seem to be conducive to life in general. Here is the thing we need to keep in perspective. If not for the winter, spring would be over ran by insects and eventually without winter the results would be desolation. The winter makes us stronger as individuals and affirms our faith and catalyzes our faith.

I am happy to say from all accounts we are now entering the spring season. Granted it is still in it's infancy, but I am seeing life, vitality, and experiencing both refreshing and renewing. If you find yourself in a winter season understand that winters seem to go on forever, but in actuality there is no season where God is any more with you than in the winter. Take heart and know that God is going to make this season yield a new season that is bigger than your imagination.

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