Thursday, September 17, 2015


It seems like repurposed is the new buzz word. It dominates Pinterest boards and Facebook photos. Instagram is swimming with ideas and finished works of for lack of a better word art. While some of them are remarkably clever others just make you shake your head. My personal opinion about the whole repurposing thing is not important. As I watch this craze, I get a suspicion that God actually is speaking to us more than we think he is.

Our culture and climate are breeding individuals who have massive egos but very little self-worth. How is that possible? It is the ultimate in oxymorons. I think highly of myself but don't value myself. We quest in our life to find value that is assigned by others without ever evaluating our own worth through the lens of what God sees. So, back to God speaking to us through repurposing.

When we look at process of repurposing, we see an item that is discarded or broken and think there is something else that can be made from that to extend it's life and purpose. It doesn't have to be thrown away. I truly believe that God is trying to speak to the hearts of people and remind them that even through they have been discarded by others or broken, there is value in their lives. God is the one who gives purpose. When we feel broken and discarded, he is there to scoop us up and say there is more in you.

Our church sign that I cannot see to take down read God sees more in you than you do in yourself. The world is seeing that ruined things can be restored even to greater purpose. Think about it. If you can make a functioning automobile from pallets :) the what can God do with you? The world is awakening to the deeper things. We have egos but God has purpose. When we feel that all is gone and purpose is ruined, God is saying let me repurpose you. You made a mistake and now find yourself in the middle of chaos. Let me repurpose you. You have fallen away from God completely and think he is angry with you. Let me repurpose you. He continually makes things new.

Ricardo Sanchez sings a song called Moving Forward. The tag line is that You make all things new and I will follow You forward. That is exactly what God does. He makes things new. ruined and broken are restored and revitalized. We can't understand it. We don't deserve it, but God still does it. He does it because he has a genuine love and understanding of exactly how great your purpose is.

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