Monday, August 17, 2015

Stop Disqualifying Yourself

As I was reading my devotional this morning I found myself in the 16th chapter of Mark. I have read this chapter many times but one verse stands out to me today. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James want to the tomb of Jesus to anoint his body. They find the stone rolled away and a young man sitting there and he gives them a message that Jesus has risen just as he said he would. Then, the next part is what struck me this morning. Verse 7 says to "go and tell his disciples and Peter..." Admittedly, I have overlooked this part because I was so excited about what happens next but this is where I want to spend a moment of time.

How many times do we disqualify ourselves because of a past mistake or outright failure? As we ready the scripture previously in the crucifixion story, Peter is told he would deny Christ 3 times. He does it almost unexpectedly and realizes what he has done. Peter then counts himself as unworthy to be called a disciple. This is the same Peter that was ready to fight for Christ and was told to put away the sword. This is the same Peter that loved Jesus and was sent by Jesus. This was the same Peter that had enough courage to step out of the boat and walk on water to get to Jesus in the first place but doubted and fell beneath the waves. Now, he discredits himself as a disciple.

We do the same thing in our lives almost daily. We will face conflict and we will make mistakes. We must remember that Just as Jesus Christ reached down and took Peter by the hand and escorted him back to the safety of the boat Jesus is telling us that we are still worthy because of the price he paid for us. There is no doubt that Peter felt like a failure and that now he was going to have to answer for his over confidence, but God was trying to illustrate something here that we miss out on.

Jesus did die for the disciples but he also died for the ones who felt unworthy to be one. You may find yourself in that today. No matter what you do to be good you end up making a mess out of the situation. You try to serve God and end up sinning and making mistakes that in your mind would disqualify you from God's grace. He is telling you today just as he was telling those who believe and those who feel as though they failed, "I am going ahead of you" Jesus is still calling and still leading you wherever you are and all you need to do is look, listen, and obey.

So you failed. Success is measured on the amount of failures you stand on. I wish I could say I came up with that true nugget of wisdom but John Maxwell beat me to it. But, it applies right where you are. You will either be defined by your failures or you will defy them. What will your choice be today? Stand with truth and recognize Jesus Christ is right there with you waiting for you to simply speak to him. Repent of your failures and mistakes and walk in the grace and mercy of God.

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