Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A measure

This morning as I was jogging, I heard something that almost stopped me in my tracks. I was sort of happy about it because I was out of breath, but I cannot stop thinking about it. "If you are still measuring your offerings then you have yet to understand His true worth.) Think about that for just a minute or two. How often do we measure our offering. We can become so concerned with the 10% that we begin to place that value on God. Isn't God worth more than 10%? I know what some of you are thinking. The Bible only says give a tenth to the storehouse. You are right, but that is what is required. In Psalms we read that, a sacrifice that costs us nothing is not really a sacrifice at all. Enough said about the money thing. Here is where my mind really started to ponder this statement. What about the other things of God?

In worship, do we measure what we give? Many of us allow our body and physical state to dictate what we will give without even pressing ourselves for just a little more. We keep our hands at the same level as other people so we do not appear to be to fanatical. We pray privately at our seat when we feel compelled to come forward and pray openly. We glue ourself to the seat when our spirit wants to stand. We get in our mind that if the worship team sings one more fast song then we will clap and enter in. We can get so caught up in measuring that we forget we serve a God who is without measure.

When we comprehend His true worth in our life, we loose the restraints of the world and we want to give. The chorus that says Lord I give you my heart, I give you my soul comes to mind. The writers of the worship songs we sing in our churches today are trying to invoke that sense of awesomeness and greatness. No matter how prolific the pen connected to the thoughts might be, the realization of God's awesomeness and majesty is still up to us. Are you ready for something more than what you have already? If so, God is ready to make is presence in your life bigger than you can imagine.

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