For many people their daily lives are filled with regrets. Shadows of what might have been and the ever present could have, should have, would have seem to dominate our thoughts. While we are supposed to learn from our mistakes and missed opportunities, we are by no means supposed to dwell on them so much that they become permanent fixtures in our lives and our decision making.
Every single person in the world has at some point in their life made a mistake or missed an opportunity. There you go. Now you can breathe. The pressure is off. You don't have to be perfect. We place so much effort on perfection. I remember sitting the the recording studio tracking a bass line. I found every little thing to criticize. I spent almost an hour on one track. The more I compared it to my last track, the more I wanted to redo it. Finally the engineer made me move on. The project released without a hitch.
All you need to do is read the scriptures and you will see that the imperfection of humanity is exactly what God wants to use. If we did it in our strength, we would brag about it and become arrogant. God does want us to get better and use the past to make better decisions but the greatest promise I think I have found in scripture is simply this.
What is to come is greater than what has passed.
God has destined us for great things. Understand that your definition of great and God's definition of great might be two very different things. We often over use Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord...You know the rest but understand that God does know the plans he has for you. They are not plans to destroy you but rather to do greater things than you have done in the past.
In the spiritual sense, we are all late bloomers. No matter how many great things you have done in your life, your future is greater than your past. The lyrics of Chris Tomlin's God Of This City are very true. Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done where you are. Don't get hung up in your past. With Christ every day is a new day. We just need to recognize that and live our lives like he is directing us to live them.
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