This morning I was reading an article on the attitude of humility that leaders should possess. Many people have seen the arrogant and self centered leader before. Most people don't care for the arrogant. The self centered leader will only allow certain people whom he or she deems worthy to have access to them. It makes for a very difficult relationship for everyone except those who have attained the audience.
As I read the article this morning by Tommy Barnett, I was impressed with what I saw. You see if anyone could be arrogant it is Pastor Tommy Barnett. He pastored a mega church, founded a Dream Center movement that swept the US and worldwide and has several other accolades that he could tout. Here are the 4 ways that he says to foster a humble attitude as a leader.
1. Come up with a series of phrases or comments that you can use in different situations to indicate you are nothing special or that your action deserves no special recognition.
These phrases like "It would be my pleasure." I would love to help you with that." are self effacing phrases that show you place a value on people first and not your own agenda.
This struck me as I read it. For many leaders especially pastors, we have a problem sometimes with getting so hung up in our own agendas and fulfillment of our vision that we forget exactly why we are in the ministry in the first place. We are there for the people not an organization. The organization is supposed to be an avenue of help to people. Many times we get it backwards.
2. Get together with other co-workers, family, friends and groups with the sole intent of listening to what is going on with them.
I recently was in a room of one uppers. You know the types of individuals that whatever has happened to you, they have had something ten times worse happen to them. It almost drove me crazy. We started talking about a guys sprained ankle and as others chimed in, the list of aches and pains was finally one upped by someone who had their back broken in three places and a major concussion along with the death of their cat. No joke.
As leaders, we have to stop and listen and not jump into I am going to be relevant mode and tell you why I am relevant to your situation that you just shared. What we are saying is that your situation or circumstance in nothing compared to mine. That kills the relationship value of the individual sharing. It makes them feel as though they cannot measure up. So leaders, in the words of Tommy Barnett. "put your own litany aside and listen"
3. Contact someone you had a disagreement with and admit you were WRONG.
No one likes being wrong, but a great leader will admit when they have made a mistake. What that does for the individuals you are working with and leading, is it lets them know you are human and you have the integrity in both positive and negative situations. Many leaders think that admitting mistakes makes them look weak but the opposite is true. Doing this also sharpens you because people will ask you to explain why. If you can;t explain why, should you do it in the first place?
4. Go out of your way to thank others for what they have done.
The tragic flaw of many leaders is they don't affirm people. I have worked for some leaders who were excellent at this and I have worked for some that were not so good. Leaders usually will be quick to admit that affirmation is not their strong suit. What I would say to those leaders who openly admit that is it's time to get that suit out and wear it. Affirmation can be learned and it is vital to the success of an organization and a healthy life and family. Pastors and leaders alike hear a majority of negative but when they actually practice the positive affirmation of others, they are saying that they value the positive as much as correcting the negative.
James tells us to humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will lift us up. Isn't that what it is all about. Being with the Lord. In Mark we read that Jesus chose the disciples to Be with Him and to preach the gospel. It is when we make it a habit of being with the Lord that we can actually preach with the fervency the world needs.
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