Tuesday, March 17, 2015

No Luck Required

Most of us have heard people say "I was lucky" or "good luck". It is a pretty common saying. Not to long ago I was actually listening to a group of people talk about the certainty of heaven and one of them said "with God's help and a little luck we'll make it". I chuckled and got a strange look from the group of people. I looked at them and said I don't need luck to know for certain that I will be in heaven when my time here is done. Jesus Christ is a sure thing not a random series of events acted upon by an outside force.

I don't want to sound arrogant or self-righteous. I get what the guy was saying but it started a thought in my head. How many people feel like their relationship with God or it's failure hinges on one mess up or failure. To have that sort  of view is so against what we read in scripture about the character and nature of God. Look at the disciples. Peter outright denied Jesus just like he was told he was going to do. Paul was constantly in rebuke and teaching mode but was quick to speak of God's mercy.

I have always said I don't believe in luck. I think random things happen and people benefit from them or are effected negatively by them. What seems so foreign to me is that when it works for us, we call it luck. When it fails for us we call it fate or life. When does the Lord actually get credit for doing special things for his people. The question then becomes, what about those random things that just seem to happen? Every good and perfect thing comes from above. So, if you nail that last second 3 pt shot thank God for it. If you miss it just roll with it and don't blame God for your lack of aim. If you win that election thank God for it. If you lose, thank God for the opportunity that is coming because he has great things planned for you.

No offense to Saint Patrick or slighting the four leaf clover, but luck is not required to walk with certainty with Jesus Christ. It is a simple matter of your heart. If you accept his free gift to you, salvation is there. His grace and mercy are with you every step of the way. From now until eternity he is there guiding you and loving you.

Happy Saint Patricks Day

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sweeping The House

Have you ever lost something important? Maybe you didn't lose it but rather misplaced it. Not to long ago I lost my wallet. Thankfully it was not where I put it. I searched frantically. My mind played out scenarios of getting pulled over without my license or getting asked to show my minister's id at a hospital. My access would be denied unless I had those important things. I searched in places that were completely dumb. I searched in the freezer and other places like that. At last I found it on my dresser. I know I know it seems foolish right?

As I was reading in the book of Luke I read the parable of the lost coin. At first glance, I thought wow that is so amazing that Jesus searches for us like this woman searches for her lost coin. When she finds it she rejoices and calls everyone around her and they rejoice with her. Such a warm feel good story. When I was ready to move on, I felt impressed to read it again. This time something else hit my mind.

Are we seeking for the treasure as much as the treasure sought after us? 

Honestly, for many the answer is no. I have noticed a very real danger in our walk with Christ. It is this. When we first accept Christ and invite him into our life, we are all about what he wants. He takes residence in our heart. We communicate with him daily. We feel connected to him. Then, time happens. Temptation happens along with the other parts of life. Our communication with Him becomes a little less and then we find that we have isolated him to particular rooms of our lives.

You can be in the kitchen Jesus because you are my provider, but don't come into my bedroom and mess with my intimacy. You can be in my kitchen Jesus, but don't come and mess with my entertainment. We eventually have him so limited that he is all but hidden in our dirt.

If you look at the parable, you see the woman does three things in order to find the treasure that has gotten lost.

1. She lights a lamp

I hate to insult your intellect, but many times we grope around in the darkness trying to put our hands on something lost. We forget to communicate with God and simply go to church as if that will make all things right. In order to find something you must light the lamp. If you have allowed your dirt to cover your relationship with Christ then you have to shine the light of Christ on the dirt so it can be dealt with.

2. She swept the WHOLE house

Now that the light is lit, we must sweep the house. Every corner of the house must be cleaned. The act of sweeping can only be done by the individual. We cannot sweep out someone else's house. Many of us have rooms that are easier to clean than others. I can vacuum pretty easily. Please don't tell my wife that. I can even scrub toilets. The chore I hate the most is dishes. I would eat on disposable any time. I know thats not being a good steward of the planet but just being honest. I hate dishes. I will clean almost any other room in the house except the kitchen because that means doing dishes.

We are that way spiritually as well. We have areas that are easily restorable but then there are those areas that require tough time consuming work. It's easy to ignore them. You even feel better when the other rooms are dealt with but as soon as you walk into that room dread starts showing itself. You have to press through and sweep the whole house.

3. She finds the treasure 

Once the cleaning happened, she found the missing coin. If you are feeling disconnected from God, then you have allowed some dirt to cover your treasure. A little bit of dirt on a silver coin makes it lose its luster. We cannot isolate our relationship with God to specific parts of our life. The relationship with God is our life. When you seek after the things of God, you find the things of God.

If you are missing the connection, try lighting the lamp. Read the word of God, pray and start trying to communicate again, and then sweep your house. The search will show you the true treasure once again. Get connected with him again.