This statement brought me back to a Sunday School class I taught about a month and a half ago. We talked about the stage setting for the antichrist to rise to power. There will be political unrest and violence happening, earthquakes, wars, rumors of wars, and the like. Can anyone see a parallel here? I am not saying the antichrist is about to arise but I am saying however that the stage is shaping up for him to make an entrance.
Should this freak you out as a believer? Absolutely not! It should motivate you to action. Jesus Christ's return is closer now than it has ever been. People are seeking a power that is bigger than themselves. They don't know what to call it. They are hungry for truth and the taste for the lies of the world is not satisfying them any longer. It is time for us as a church to wake up and understand that the divine power in each of us given by God to fulfill his purposes is screaming at us to wake up, wipe the sleep from our eyes, and get busy. This is the last push.
A revival bigger than we could ever imagine is coming. Are you ready to stand up and move and use what God has given you?